I have been working on a big project recently involving knockoutjs and have learnt so much about this data binding MVVM library. It is a well supported JavaScript framework with a large community of users, so there is always a solution to a problem.
However I came across a little problem, not with knockoutjs, but with how IE handles empty <span>
##The Problem
Basically, when IE8 (and presumably IE6+7) was rendering empty <span>
tags, it was ignoring the min and max height styling. So if I had a property within my View Model that was an empty string, it would break the layout of my UI slightly.
As a result, I needed a way of passing in a default “if empty” value which would be used instead of the property value.
There is one way to provide some default value to a peroperty by using knockoutjs extenders (see http://stackoverflow.com/a/10577446/177988) however in my situation the data which is being bound is a dynamically loaded json array.
##The Solution
I made use of knockout’s custom bindings to create a binding handler which would check the value, and then update the text.
ko.bindingHandlers.defaultIfEmpty = {
init: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContext) {
var rawValue = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(valueAccessor());
if (rawValue == "") {
if (allBindingsAccessor().defaultText != undefined) {
allBindingsAccessor().text = allBindingsAccessor().defaultText;
} else {
console.log('ko.bindingHandlers.defaultIfEmpty defaultText not provided.');