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Handy Git command reference

Handy Git command reference

Handy Git command reference

Handy Git command reference

Sooooo like a lot of developers out there, you probably have moments where you completely forget what git command you need to use for the correct job. There are hundreds even thousands of websites out there all with the same information, so I thought I would write another!

This is primarily just for my own reference though, so I have everything in one place that I can easily find without hunting through my many document locations.

Git command reference


git status - BOOM current status of your repository branch.


git add --all - Adds tracked and untracked files that have been updated since last commit.


git commit -m 'commit message' - Commits what you have just added

git commit -am 'add and commit in one go' - Adds tracked files and commits in one quick line.


git push origin master - Pushes changes on branch “master” to your remote “origin”.


git pull origin master - Pulls latest version on branch “master” to your local repository from your remote “origin”.


git branch - Lists all the current branch’s within the repository.

git branch newbranch - Creates a new branch named “newbranch”.

git checkout newbranch - Switches to the “newbranch” branch. All changes and commits will now be to this branch.

git checkout master - Switches to the “master” branch. All changes and commits will now be to this branch.

git branch -d newbranch - Deletes the branch “newbranch” from your local repository.

git push origin :newbranch - Deletes the branch “newbranch” from your remote “origin”.


git merge newbranch - Merges the changes in “newbranch” into the current branch you have checked out.


git rm file.txt - Deletes the file from your local repository AND deletes the file from your file system.

git rm --cached file.txt - Deletes the file from your local repository but not the file system.

Undoing file changes

git checkout file.txt - Reverts back to the file from the latest commit on the current branch.

For a full and indepth reference see gitref.org

Learn Git Branching with a fun interactive tutorial.

About Me

Tim James I'm Tim, a web applications developer from Glasgow, Scotland. Currently working for Kingfisher Systems Ltd, building bespoke systems within the Car Auction industry.

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